High-level, long-term planning is initially done by the team at the beginning of the project and then evolved as appropriate by the project manager. 高层次、长期的计划最初由团队在项目的一开始制定出来,然后由项目经理在适当时演进。
For some countries and some people around the world, this is not just a matter for long-term planning, but for immediate, pressing action. 对于世界上一些国家和一些人来说,这不只是一个需要长远规划的问题,而是当务之急。
My Government will carry out long-term planning on population policy to improve our population structure and the quality of our people. This will sustain steady development of our society and economy, create a bright future for individuals and nurture outstanding talents for society. 本届政府将规划长远人口政策,优化人口结构和人力资源,推动社会和经济平稳发展,为个人创造美好未来,为社会培育优秀人才。
As a result, higher income families are rewarded for long-term planning and investment and low-income families are penalized for doing so. 结果,收入更高的家庭从长期计划和投资中获得了好处,而低收入家庭这样做则有弊无利。
The politicians, whose typical idea of long-term planning is how to survive the next election, are well aware that the hard tasks of rebuilding a broken system are only just beginning. 这些政客典型的长远计划是如何在下次选举中获胜,他们深知重建这个破碎系统的艰难工作仅仅是个开始。
We should follow one's own just strength, make long-term planning, Implement e-commerce step by step, stage by stage, lead the developing way of e-commerce with Chinese characteristics. 我们应根据自己的才力,国力,制定长远的规划,分步、分阶段实施电子商务,走有中国特色的电子商务发展道路。
Or at least relatively long-term planning. 或者至少相对长期的规划。
These goals might surface in a long-term planning retreat or a yearly performance review. 这类目标可能体现于长远规划的再制定或每年的业绩审查中。
It's a stressful time, and one in which long-term planning is becoming more and more difficult. 这是一个艰难的时代,是一个在其中长期计划变得越来越难的时代。
Long-term planning is a waste of time because-as Keynes put it-in the long term we? re all dead. 长期规划是浪费时间,因为正如凯恩斯所说,从长远来看,我们终有一死。
I would have thought it self-evident that winning the prizes comes with stability and long-term planning. 我本来觉得要取得成功就得有长期规划这点是不证自明的。
Stable long-term planning, flexible short-term response to markets and overall land use efficiency measurement are the three major characteristics of Singapore's land policy. 长期稳定的综合规划、短期局部的灵活应变和土地效益的综合考量成为新加坡土地政策的三大特征。
It today's business climate, as markets constantly change and become more difficult to predict, some analysts believe that long-term planning is pointless. 当今的商业环境,因为不断改变的市场而变得更难预测,一些分析家相信长期的计划是没有意义的。
Introducing medium-and long-term planning at both central administration and school levels. 在中央管理机构和学校层面首次开展了中长期规划工作。
Your medium – and long-term planning should assess the possible damage that might be incurred through a crisis. 中长期规划应预测发生危机可能造成的损害。
Indeed, that was expected in a world, where long-term planning – armed with complex computer forecasts – appeared to be not just rational, but a hallmark of modern society, something that separated us from earlier ages. 实际上,这在那个时代是意料中事,它将我们与以前的年代区别了开来。在那个用复杂电脑预测武装起来的世界里,长期规划似乎不仅是合理之举,也是现代社会的一个标志。
He sees a lack of long-term planning in these programs because of pressure on schools to raise test scores. 他觉得由于学校面临着提高学生考试成绩的压力,这些项目都缺少长期打算。
Some stability in funding would be an enormous benefit because it would help us with long-term planning in such areas as technology and staffing. 一定的经费稳定性将有巨大的好处,因为它将有助于我们在技术和人事等领域做长期规划。
"Open source" and "throttling" are equally important in two aspects," open source "is the enthusiasm of the long-term planning. “开源”与“节流”是同样重要的两个方面,“开源”是积极性的长远规划。
Avoid travel or any long-term planning under this transit. 在这阶段内避免旅行或任何长期计划。
Outsiders often marvel at the long-term planning tied to China's economy, but many of its most dynamic manufacturers are limited to sowing and reaping within an agricultural season. 外人常常惊叹于和中国经济绑在一起的长远规划,但许多其最具活力的制造商的投资和回报都是限制在一个农业季节中。
Was she really capable of that kind of long-term planning? 她真的能那样的长远规划?
Support long-term planning related to sustainability, expansion, and integration with education and research programs. 支持可持续发展,扩张,和一体化的教育和研究有关的长期规划。
The lack of a hard price for carbon dioxide hinders long-term planning and discourages investment on the scale needed to build a sustainable energy supply. 缺乏稳定的二氧化碳价格,会妨碍长远规划,并抑制形成可持续的能源供给所需的大规模投资。
We look forward to your support so that we can work together for the long-term planning and housing development of Hong Kong to create a better living environment. 我们期望继续得到委员的支持,让我们为香港的长远规划和房屋发展共同努力,缔造更理想的居住环境。
Nuclear power can benefit developing countries but requires long-term planning and an educated workforce, says Michael J.Mangala. MichaelJ.Mangala说,核电可以造福发展中国家,但是这需要长期规划和受过教育的劳动力。
A hybrid uncertainty programming for long-term planning of municipal solid waste in Beijing City 北京市生活垃圾管理的多重不确定性长期规划模型
Present Condition and Long-term Planning of Geothermal Resources Exploitation Yantai City 烟台市地热资源勘查开发利用现状与远景规划
Facing the complexity of the international financial situation and cross-risk, it's of critical significance for China's policy responses and long-term planning. 面对国际金融形势的复杂与交叉风险,我国的政策应对和长远规划显得至关重要。
All projects are geared to creating a stable macroeconomic environment conducive to investment and long-term planning. 所有的计划都适合于建立一个稳定且有益于投资和长期规划的整体经济环境。